A renowned Hawthorne mentor named Alan Pants had this thought that he kept on drumming into his players. There are just two situations on the field. You will be both a safeguard and an assailant. In the event that your group has the ball you become an aggressor regardless of where you are on the field. That implies set yourself up in a way to get the ball. On the off chance that the resistance has the football, or the football is in question, you become a safeguard, again regardless of where you are on the field. So you cover your adversary. A player who can figure out this thought and can try it; turns into an entirely important expansion to his group. football news in hindi 

At the point when the football is in debate or the game is to restart at the middle square:
At the point when the game restarts, position yourself between your adversary and the ball. Put a hand on his/her chest so you know where he/she is. When the ball is in play utilize your hand on your rival’s chest to push off your rival to get an early advantage towards the football onto the following challenge or to give a lead for your colleague.

At the point when your group is in assault:
At the point when your group has the ball, you want to turn into a free player prepared to lead and get the football. At the point when you lead, run into space and towards the player with the football. Be mindful so as not to swarm the region into which your other partners might lead.
Attempt to guess where the football will be kicked and, by watching the ball transporter, guess when he is prepared to convey the football. That is the point at which you ought to lead. Make sure to lead firmly regardless of whether you accept you won’t get the football. This keeps your adversary’s brain on you and not the football. On the off chance that you don’t get the football, be prepared to back up the play I. e. rush to the challenge to offer help to your colleagues or take the “pieces” from the challenge.
When you have the football and assuming that you are clear, run hard into space, promptly to move away from your rival. Run 15 meters before you skip the football. Then, at that point, keep on running getting yourself adjusted prior to kicking the football towards a main player. (This implies you can approach 30 meters from one skip). Ensure you kick the football before the main player on the contrary side to the protector who is pursuing your partner. Continuously follow you kick towards the challenge to dive ready assuming that it is spilt in the stamping challenge. On the off chance that the ball is checked, run past to get a handball.
Assuming that you are clear however being pursued, wind to get the chaser straightforwardly behind you. You then have control of the chaser since you can turn one way or the other. Being straightforwardly behind you implies he can’t abbreviate the distance to get you assuming that you turn.
In the event that the ball tumbles to the ground before you or you are pursuing the ball into space, and can’t get the football, you should continue to push the football before you until it bobs up prepared to catch or you could dismiss the football from the beginning your objectives or a colleague. worldoffootball

At the point when you are in protection mode:
In the event that your rival has the ball and you are pursuing him/her, attempt to run a line on the hall side of the player. What this does is to drive him/her towards the limit meaning he/she needs to run further to get towards the objectives as well as making a kick for objective more troublesome.
At the point when you are running with your adversary towards the ball, consistently attempt to get yourself among him and the football. Then, when you are two or three meters before the football, knock him/her away from the football to permit you opportunity to get the ball. At the point when you get the ball, you ought to move the football towards the limit. I. e. you protect towards the limit when in doubt.
In the event that you end up behind in a stamping challenge attempt to punch the ball away and pursuing it to get ownership of the football. Assuming you ruin the imprint by punching you will know where you are punching the football. So you enjoy the benefit of knowing where the football will go. When in doubt, you ought to punch towards the limit line.
Assuming you are beaten to the ball and you are pursuing your adversary, keep on pursuing regardless of whether you can’t get him/her. Realizing that you are as yet pursuing him/her comes down on him/her and frequently makes his conveyance of football less precise. On the off chance that you really do get him/her, tackle either to hold the ball in the tackle or plan to confiscate the player assuming your colleagues are close by prepared to acquire the ball and assault.

One last remark:
Assuming that you grasp that whenever in the game, independently of where the football is, that you can abandon assailant to safeguard or the other way around, it will imply that you are completely engaged with the game not simply being an observer when the football is at the opposite finish of the field. This implies that you will constantly be prepared to advance to the football beyond your adversary. You will be more associated with the game; be additional fruitful and gain more noteworthy happiness from your commitment to the group. ESPN football news