Finding cheaper last-minute flights can be a bit challenging, but here are some tips that might help:

Use Flight Search Engines:

Utilize online flight search engines like Skyscanner, Google Flights, or Kayak to compare prices across multiple airlines and travel agencies.
Enable price alerts to receive notifications when prices drop.
Be Flexible with Dates and Times:

Being flexible with your travel dates and times can significantly affect the cost of your flight. Consider flying on weekdays or during off-peak hours. Tezfly
Check Nearby Airports:

Explore flights from nearby airports. Sometimes, flying into or out of a different airport can be more cost-effective.
Follow Airlines on Social Media:

Airlines often announce last-minute deals on their social media platforms. Stay updated by following them to catch any special offers.
Sign Up for Newsletters:

Subscribe to newsletters from airlines and travel agencies. They may send out exclusive deals and discounts to their subscribers.
Check for Package Deals:

Consider booking a package deal that includes both flights and accommodations. Sometimes, these packages can offer better overall savings.
Use Airline Miles or Points:

If you have accumulated airline miles or credit card points, check if you can use them to offset the cost of a last-minute flight.
Contact Airlines Directly:

Call the airlines directly to inquire about any available last-minute deals or unpublished fares. Sometimes, they may have unadvertised promotions.
Look for Standby Options:

Some airlines offer standby tickets, especially if you’re flexible with your travel plans. This can be a way to get discounted seats.
Check Budget Airlines:

Explore flights offered by budget airlines. They may have more affordable options, even at the last minute.
Remember that prices can vary based on the destination, time of year, and current demand, so it’s always a good idea to compare multiple options and be ready to act quickly when you find a good deal.